Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Confession Booth

Yesterday afternoon my friend Beck announced that she has never seen 'ET' (citing anti-religious reasons and the fact that when it came on tv some years back she had to go to a Beastie Boys gig instead - fair enough).

"whaddya mean you've never seen ET?" I said indignantly. I was outraged! Beck is only a couple of years older than I and has no generational excuse for not seeing it. She actually has quite a list of films she hasn't seen yet, that she's saving.

Beck's not saving ET, she couldn't give a toss for that godbotherin nonsense.

But we are talking about Spielberg...vintage Spielberg! I saw ET at least twice at the movies (I was 11 at the time, films were really important back then) and rented it a half dozen times before buying it on DVD when the special anniversary edition came out in 2002. I even had the novelisation of the film (does anyone remember those? they were these weird paperback versions of films - often with different endings based on the original scripts).

I laughed, I cried and I even imagined my bike taking off into the moonlight.

As you can imagine I stewed on this gap in my friends film library for quite a while... then the heavens opened up and a voice said to me

"Yeah but you haven't seen Schindlers List."


In fact there are a number of films I should have seen that I still haven't managed to squeeze in between Footloose and Scary Movie

and so I must confess

I've seen Rocky 4 but I haven't seen Raging Bull
I've seen Wall Street but I haven't seen Citizen Kane (I know, crazy)
I've seen Legally Blonde 2 but not Mr Smith Goes To Washington
I've seen Crimson Tide but not Das Boot
I've seen Barbershop but not Jean de Florette
I've seen Back to the Future 3 but not The Good The Bad and The Ugly.
I've seen Mel Gibson's Hamlet but not Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet

And forget about the French New Wave...I just haven't got round to it.

But I will, I promise.
Now I gotta go, The Matrix Revolutions is the late night movie...

hang on isn't that about God too...?


At 15/3/06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Hollywood in 1983 and saw the very bike that they used in ET. They even had the camera set up for the special effect of the flying bike silhouette. The tour guide asked for a volunteer to sit on the bike, you could see yourself in silhouette on the screen. So cool! My father assured me I put my hand up first, before the kid that got picked, but the silhouette-casting light thingy was behind me so the tour guide didn't see me. I'm still disappointed I missed out. J

At 16/3/06, Blogger Beck said...

so sad to read of another father induced dissapointment J.
Just so y'all know when I was a wee snippet of cheek I did in fact want to go and see ET at the movies, but my tightassed padre dissallowed us from attending claiming that it would be out on video in a couple of months and we could wait to see it then...
Low and behold in an Bart vs.The Itchy and Scratchy movie type scenario we waited and waited and it didnt come out on video for like 15 years by which time I had become an anarcho-feminist stoner in love with Ad-rock...
You read Ramona's post, you know the rest of the story.
And she's right I do have a weird habit of saving movies but I shure as shit dont have none of that god botherin'nonsense on my list even if I did sometimes watch that lame angel show with Michael Landon in it.

At 16/3/06, Blogger Beck said...

by the way...
I have seen The Good the Bad and the Ugly as well as Back to the Future 3 and The Dirty Dozen.

I have seen Citizen Kane but I
fell asleep (does that count) and I haven't seen wall street because both the aging bum chin and the boob hungry gambler physically repulse me.

I haven't seen Barbershop but I have seen Wigstock, Hairspray and Rockers.

I have seen Mr Smith goes to Washington and Legally Blonde but I havent seen Legally Blonde 2.

I haven't seen Das Boot or Crimson Tide but I have seen Yellow Submarine.

And I have spent some time with the french new Wave, but I prefer their crazy assed Italian counterparts - their ladies and their cars are better built.

At 17/3/06, Blogger Ramona said...

One of my happiest memories is seeing Yellow Submarine on tv when I was 8 or 9. It remains to this day a sentimental favourite.

At 10/4/06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ramona my dear friend,
Did you ever think that you and i would actually have something in common regarding movies?
hehehe not!
Especially me, being one that hardly can watch t.v.
Well today i confess .
I too lived the 80's. it maybe the only time i will understand your language,when talking films.
Believe it or not Ramona ,your mate Renai actually sat a full movie in village during the 80's. Rented at least 10 video's every weekend.
i too would of seen most movies released in the 80's.
Im shamefully admitting "i would still be able to tell you, word for word, Flash Dance". Who knows that movie could be what made me Renai. "tuff gal who can weld and dance".
Ramona i laughed when i read your confessions, because for the first time i actually knew somewhat of what your saying.I have seen ET upteen times and yes i even had those weird paperback versions of flims.
Although to amaze you now, i have seen Scindlers List. [i know that going give a stomach ache].


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