Thursday, January 19, 2006

You know I should say something about the Golden Globes. I love award ceremonies and i did watch every minute of it. It's the party of the year after all. yeah, a party we are not invited to. But this year did have some higlighlights


5. Hugh Lauries speech - comic GENIUS

4. George Clooney - sigh. Funny. my pal Beck has just seen Solaris for the first time (best Soderbergh EVER) and I ventured out to see Good Night and Good Luck - a film that is just as neat as a pin. It's clean, well made, simple - elegant. Much like the Clooney I suspect.

3. Geena Davis - look I'm pretty sure that Commander in Chief is going to be a dud show. I'm a huge West Wing Fan and can only deal with one White House on tv at a time. But quite frankly I thought Geena had gone the way of Sigourney Weaver and would never work again - but she stands triumphant - all 7 feet of her.

2. Chris Rock. Smart, funny. My FAVOURITE combination in any man. I know people go on about Jamie Foxx but he's an idiot, a mysoginist (just guessin there) and he sure aint funny. chris is THE ROCK.

1. Mary Louise Parker beating all the desperate housewives - a victory for all normal women who don't do their housework in high heels.

cheers from the couch



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