Monday, January 16, 2006

So little time so much television.

I worked it out once, while watching a Seinfeld marathon on TV1. eight to ten hours of tv a day, that's 70 hours a week. That's nearly three days a week on my couch. I watch probably a film and a half a day. which works out to be over 500 a year. But you know, I'm not fussy. Sure I'll try and watch every film nominated for a golden globe award, but I'll get as much of a kick out of the daytime emmys. I know what you're thinking, sad really.

Don't panic, Im not completely passive. I eat, I make things, I draw, sometimes during a particularly slow test cricket match I'll even read. I've worked out a way where I can cook, clean, garden, sew, paint, knit, write and sleep - all within sight of my Loewe widescreen tv. But there are a few things I can't do. I can't drive, I can't walk or play tennis or see a band (unless they are on tv). And for some weird reason I can't use my computer. It was geographically impossible to get the computer and the tv in the same room. So I can't read reviews, or blogs or spoilers from the couch. I know there are ways you can do it (laptop anyone) but funds haven't streched that far - I have to leave the house to work people!)

So I thought a blog was in order.
stuff Im watching.
From the couch.


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